On your blog, tell us what time of year you think is best for tourists for come and visit. Be sure to share at least three things that tourists could do while they were here in NZ.
Sunday, 27 January 2019
Togs or Trackies?
Hey guys today I am completing this task
On your blog, tell us what time of year you think is best for tourists for come and visit. Be sure to share at least three things that tourists could do while they were here in NZ.
Bye guys thanks for reading...
On your blog, tell us what time of year you think is best for tourists for come and visit. Be sure to share at least three things that tourists could do while they were here in NZ.
Saturday, 26 January 2019
The Black Drain...
Hey guys today I am completing this task
Approximately two-thirds of all rivers and one-half of all lakes in New Zealand are too polluted to swim in, according to a recent article in an online newspaper. One of the most polluted is the Tarawera River in the Bay of Plenty region of New Zealand. Pollution enters the river from a local pulp and paper mill, from local farms and through the local sewage system. Many other rivers in New Zealand are also polluted with waste from businesses and farms.
Approximately two-thirds of all rivers and one-half of all lakes in New Zealand are too polluted to swim in, according to a recent article in an online newspaper. One of the most polluted is the Tarawera River in the Bay of Plenty region of New Zealand. Pollution enters the river from a local pulp and paper mill, from local farms and through the local sewage system. Many other rivers in New Zealand are also polluted with waste from businesses and farms.
Use Google to help you find two other polluted rivers in New Zealand.
On your blog, tell us:
1) The names of the rivers - The Heathcote River
2) The location of the rivers - Canterbury
3) What is being done to clean up the rivers (if anything) - Environment Canterbury recently introduced strict new environmental requirements for the region's farmers, requiring most farms to develop Farm Environment Plans showing how farms will take action to mitigate risks like nutrient leaching, soil erosion, effluent risks and protect waterways through actions such as fencing off waterways and undertaking riparian planting. The plans are independently audited. Since the introduction of these new rules, waterways are now showing improvements across a number of measures.
1) The names of the rivers - Grey River
2) The location of the rivers - West Coast
3) What is being done to clean up the rivers (if anything) -government funding was made available to build a sewerage treatment plant.
Bye Danielle sqaud!!
Faded Glory
Hey guys today I am completing this task-
The Australian government is working to protect and preserve the reef. Each year they spend about $200 million dollars repairing and protecting the reef. It is a lot of money and they could really use some help raising the money (funds) required to repair the reef. This is where you come in!
- On your blog, list three different ideas or strategies for raising funds to preserve the Great Barrier Reef. What could you do to fundraise here in New Zealand.
- Sell things you dont need any more then donate the money you raised(In my opinion I will donate it to kid in need no offense).
2. Put up signs that say help raise money for the Great Barrier Reef because Australias goverment has been using 200 million year.
3. Ask your family to help sponsor Great Barrier Reef
Bye guys thanks for reading comment I hope you get the most points so I can win.
Tuesday, 22 January 2019
Hey guys today I am back with another task here it is...
Fishing is a really common activity in New Zealand. In fact, people have fished in New Zealand for centuries. Unfortunately, over the past few decades some people have caught too many fish in one area and left the region without enough fish to refill (replenish) the stocks. When this happens we call the area ‘overfished’ and it is closed to all private and commercial fishing. If people are caught fishing in these areas, they are required to pay a fine (money). The maximum fine for fishing in a restricted area is $100 000.
What do you think about this rule? Is it fair that people are charged up to $100 000 for overfishing?
I think that the rule is good because if so many people come to fish but then over fish its going to kill all of the fish and then all we can eat is meat like steak,lamb,pork and chicken. People could get sick of it then what are they going to eat the foods with chemicals in it or what. If all the fish were dead how will we make more fish we never created fish god did to help us eat food thats why people have to think before they do. Because once there gone theirs know going back.
Bye guys thanks for reading...
It’s All in the Name
Hey guys I am back with another task here it is...
Over the years, people have suggested that we come up with a new name for the pool. What do you think we should call it? Take a minute to let your creative juices flow.
On your blog, give us a list of three to five options for the name of this geothermal pool. Put a star (*) beside the name that you like the most.
- *Bubbly Boozle
- Green smokey fear
- Green power
- *Maui's secret hidding spot
- Doubble my Troubble
Guys it was a hard chose so I chose 2 help me chose one bye commenting which name is better bye...
Planes, Trains and Automobiles
Hey guys am back with another task look below to see...
Let’s imagine that you had the chance to visit Milford Sound by boat, foot (walking) or air (helicopter). Which option would you prefer?
On your blog tell us which of the three options you would take to explore Milford Sound. Be sure to tell us why you have chosen this option.
A Local Delicacy
Hey guys today I am completing this task...
For this activity, please choose a favorite food and find a recipe for it.
On your blog, share a list of the ingredients that you need to make this food. You must type out the list of ingredients yourself (and not simply copy and paste it from a website) to earn full points.
My favorite food is Spaghetti Bolognese.
Spaghetti Bolognese recipe
Spaghetti pasta
Beef Mince
Watties garden vege pasta sauce
Mix vegies optional
Bye Bye Bye........
First You ‘Sea’ Me, Now You Don’t…
Hey guys today I am completing this task
On your blog, tell us whether you are a night owl or an early riser. Then, tell us about the rest of your family. Are they the same as you? .
Me/Danielle - I am a night owl because I stay up late to publish my work on my blog and to watch T.V.
Brother- My brother is an early riser because he goes to bed early and wakes up early.
Mum - My Mum is an night owl because she reads her books till they are finished.
Dad - My Dad is an early riser because he has to get up early for work.
Bye guys thanks for reading...
Monday, 21 January 2019
Stranger than Fiction
Hey guys today I am publishing this task -
On your blog, list three similarities and three differences between the two plants that you chose. To earn five extra bonus points, post a picture of both plants on your blog..
Rafflesia Arnoldii Corpse Flower
Rafflesia Arnoldii Corpse Flower

- It is mainly found in Sumatra.
- They both have an unpleasant irritating smell.
- They both are the largest plants in the world.
- Rafflesia Arnoldii is a bit smaller than Corpse flower considering some elements.
- Rafflesia Arnoldii is unisexual, have both male and female reproduction system.
- Rafflrsia Arnoldii grows 3 feet tall and Corpse flower grows 8.5 feet tall.
Bye thanks for reading!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, 18 January 2019
Living on the Edge
Hey guys today I am completing this task - Let’s imagine that your teacher decides to take you on a class trip to the tundra before the weather changes too much and you aren’t able to go.
On your blog, write a letter to your best friend or a family member telling them about your trip to the tundra. To earn full points your letter must have a greeting (eg. Dear…) followed by 5 – 6 sentences of information about what your experience.
Thanks for reading bye:)
Hey guys today I am completing this task - Some people like logging because it creates jobs for the loggers and generates money for New Zealand while others are against (opposed to) logging. Many of those opposed are worried that logging will damage the environment. It might also force animals who live in trees (eg. owls) to find new homes.
What do you think about logging?
On your blog tell us whether you think logging should be allowed in New Zealand. Be sure to provide at least two reasons to support your argument.
I think logging should not be allowed in New Zealand because if all the trees get cut down how are we suppose to breath people should think before its to late. The other reason logging should be banned because if you are cutting down the tree and you fall with the tree what do you think will happen you could kill yourself or hurt yourself.
Bye guys thank for reading:)
Pancakes and Maple Syrup?
Hey guys today I am completing this task - For this activity you are asked to choose one of your favourite foods. On your blog, write the name of your favourite food and then tell us how to make it. You may need to ask a family member, friend or Google (!) for help, if you do not normally make this food for yourself.
1 1/2
cups graham cracker crumbs
cup sugar
tablespoons butter, melted
packages (8 oz each) cream cheese, softened
containers (8 oz each) whipped cream cheese spread, softened
1 1/4
cups sugar
teaspoons vanilla
tablespoons lemon juice
tablespoons Gold Medal™ all-purpose flour
pint (2 cups) sour cream
cup sugar
teaspoon vanilla
tablespoon lemon juice
Sliced fresh strawberries
Strawberry sundae syrup
Whipped cream
Sour Cream Layer
My Dad made this cheesecake one and it was delicos I never wrote this the website my dad went on did I just copyed and pasted here is there website.
More than Meets the Eye
Hey guys today I am going to be completing this task - Let’s imagine that you met Sir Edmund Hillary in real life and were able to interview him.
On your blog, post five questions that you would like to ask Sir Edmund Hillary about his life.
- How long did it take you to plan climbing up the mountain?
- Did you think you were going to make it?
- Were you an optimist person?
- How long did it take you to climb the mountain?
- We you revealed to have your name in history?
The Secretive Skink
Hey guys today I am finishing this task - Would you like to be a DOC ranger and live with the animals on Great Barrier Island?
On your blog list three pros (good things) and three cons (bad things) about working as a DOC ranger. At the bottom of your post, tell us whether you would like to be a DOC Ranger or not.
- You get to protect animals from being extincted.
- You get to live at the job you are working at without driving there and wasting money.
- You get to live at a beautiful land filled with beautiful species.
- You will be leaving your family.
- You might get lonely.
- The weather in the island could be tragic.
I would not like to be a DOC ranger because I would be leaving my family and there might be a terrifying storm.
Thursday, 17 January 2019
The WWF: World Wildlife Fund
Hey guys today I am completing this task - For this activity, we would like you to learn more about other work that is done by the World Wildlife Fund to save endangered animals. Please click on one of the two links below and watch the short video.
Clip #1: Freshwater Seals
Clip #2: Tigers
Once you have watched the video, go to your blog and, using full sentences, tell us:
1) The name of the animal the WWF is working to save.
2) What the WWF is doing to help the animal.
1) The name of the animal the WWF is working to save.
2) What the WWF is doing to help the animal.
3) What, if any, success they have had protecting the animal.
So I picked tiger because I think we should protect tigers before they get extincted. The WWF is telling people in the world that it doesn't matter where you are you can help protect tigers too. They managed to chase the people away and stop them from killing the tigers. Be a hero too and help us keep tigers protected.
North and South
Hey guys today I will be completing this task -
Now it is time to think about your hometown. What is special about where you live? On your blog, describe your hometown. Be sure to include lots of describing words (adjectives) in your post.
Now it is time to think about your hometown. What is special about where you live? On your blog, describe your hometown. Be sure to include lots of describing words (adjectives) in your post.
My hometown is special for the water view tunnel it is the longest tunnel in New Zealand. Me and my cousin Lahsinee were trying to hold our breath we tried to but the tunnel was to long we nearly suffocated but then decided to stop before it gets out of hand. The new tunnel is good for short cuts so we don't need to waste our time in traffic.
Thanks for reading bye:)

The power of Ten
Hey guys today I am completing this task-
Let’s imagine that you had the same power and that you could save 10 species (animals or plants) from extinction. Who would you save? If I had the choice I would probably save animals like the elephant, white tiger and rhinoceros because they are unique and have lived for centuries on earth. I would also like to save some of my favorite flowers including hydrangeas and calla lily flowers. What about you?

Let’s imagine that you had the same power and that you could save 10 species (animals or plants) from extinction. Who would you save? If I had the choice I would probably save animals like the elephant, white tiger and rhinoceros because they are unique and have lived for centuries on earth. I would also like to save some of my favorite flowers including hydrangeas and calla lily flowers. What about you?
- Tiger
- Elephant
- Cheetah
- Dolphin
- Sea Turtle
- Roses
- Sunflower
- mango tree
- Fern and Kiwi Bird
- Aloe Vera
Monday, 14 January 2019
Fabulous Flora
Hey guys today I am doing this task-For this activity, you are asked to watch a short video of someone weaving a fish (ika) out of flax.
On your blog, tell us whether or not you would like to try flax weaving. Does it interest you? Why or why not?- I would actually want to try this because it looks super duper fun and challengeing plus it is super creative just how I like things to be. But the main thing is I am trying new things that is what takes you places in life. THANK YOU FOR READING
Surfs up
Hey guys today I am doing this activity-On your blog, post a picture of yourself doing one of your favourite summer activities. Below the picture tell us what the activity is and tell us why it is one of your favorites.
My favorite thing to do in the summer is go for rides with cousins sisters brothers and mum and dad well and my great anties.Sunday, 13 January 2019
Mighty Mangroves
Hey guys today I am doing this activity-For this activity you are asked to think of someone who is very tough and strong. They can be someone who you know personally or they can be a character that you have read about in a book, seen in a movie, or on a television show.On your blog, tell us about this person. Who are they? Why are they, in your opinion, so strong and tough? My character is oh I actually have 2 they aren't tough but they are strong because when my mum had cancer my mum's anties were praying for her and told everyone at there church to if there have time then pray for my mum and they did thats why my mums still alive and thats why Antie Nive and Antie Sipusi are my heroes even tho they aren't tough they still have a lot of faith AND THEY GO TO CHURCH MAY GOD BLESS THEM so send my love to them. THAT YOU GUYS FOR READING.
The Great Taupo Cycle Challenge:)
Hey guys today I am back with another activity here is is-On your blog, list the three people you would like to have on your Lake Taupo Cycle Race Support Crew. Tell us why you have chosen each person. So ya do you guys get it now? Anyways lets get started...
1. Jackie Chan - Because he does randowm things like his own stunt so he can ride a bike right.
2. Jacinda Ardern- because so she can encourage people to get strong/fit and healthy.
3. Tom Cruise- Because if he can do his own stunts he can ride his bike right!!
1. Jackie Chan - Because he does randowm things like his own stunt so he can ride a bike right.
2. Jacinda Ardern- because so she can encourage people to get strong/fit and healthy.
3. Tom Cruise- Because if he can do his own stunts he can ride his bike right!!
Predator Free 2050 – A Call to Arms
Hey guys today I am going to be doing this activity-On your blog, tell us which project you find most interesting and why..
Because it told us about how our kiwis would be eaten because of rats stoats and possums. The man in the story said how can I help because he was an engineer and he knew how to make things. So he started to make a transmitters so they could see what kiwis were up to so they could rescue there eggs and chicks before they get eaten.
Because it told us about how our kiwis would be eaten because of rats stoats and possums. The man in the story said how can I help because he was an engineer and he knew how to make things. So he started to make a transmitters so they could see what kiwis were up to so they could rescue there eggs and chicks before they get eaten.
A Protective Plant
Hey guys today I am going to be completing this task-On your blog list 10 veggies, fruits, or herbs that you would plant in your garden.
If I had an garden I would plant ten fruits or veggies.
1. Sour strawberries
2. Wet watermelons
3. Lucky lime
4. Lippy lemons
5. Rocking raspberries
6. Running rock melon
7. Punching pineapple
8. Numb nectarine
9. Pumping peach
10. Parenting plum
Hey guys here is the activity I will be doing-On your blog, tell us how you would feel about going zip-lining in Rotorua. Try to use some descriptive words (adjectives) and action words (verbs) in your post(Fun fact about me my dad used to live in Rotarua till 2003 then he came to Auckland. one more fun fact about me my Dad and ant have there own land there/grandpa too.)
Would I go ya obesity it look so terrifying in a awesome way I am going to ask my Dad if I can go. The land looks as beautiful as a fern. If I could go there it would be so so super duper aaawwweeesssooommmeee!
bye guys thanks for reading:)
The Legend of New Zealand SLJ
Hey guys today I am telling you guys 3 NEW FACTS I learnt they are some interesting things if you want write what the interesting thing was for you I guess I should start now.
1. The most popular films in the country include ‘Once were Warriors’, ‘The Whale Rider’, ‘The Piano’ and the ‘Lord of the Rings’ trilogy.
2. 30% of the country is forest.
3.New Zealand was once governed as part of the territory of New South Wales and later a part of Australia.
Thanks you for reading the one that was so interesting for me was the last because it was weird for me.
Salt and Pepper SLJ
Hey guys today I am going to be telling you guys where I would build a hotel and with what material and create one room on google drawings or with a pencil and paper. I chose google drawings. I would build my house with wood because so it can look nice and people will want to spend the night in my hotel and build it in Mission Bay because it is beautiful and spectacular. Here is what one room will look like...
Thank you guys for reading and looking at my post HAPPY NEW YEAR and have a great day!!
Thursday, 10 January 2019
week 2 day 3-Crazy, Cool Clouds.
Hey guys today I am describing this cloud and its shape- This cloud is shaped as a bunny from Peter rabbit. I could tell this was a bunny because of its 2 long ears and its pose its posed like a bunny is hopping. Thank you for reading me describing this cute cloud. BYE!
Week 2 day 2 Picture Perfect.
Hey guys today I am going to be writing a story/thinking of why they stopped to take a selfie about this picture and guessing where they are?
Thank you for reading BYE!
Wednesday, 9 January 2019
Week 2 day 1 -Are you lying or tell the truth-For this activity, we are going to provide you with five sentences about fish. Some of them are true and some are them are not. It is your job to read these ‘facts’, and decide whether they are true or false-On your blog, write out each fact and in CAPITAL LETTERS beside the fact, write the word ‘TRUE’ if it is a true fact or ‘FALSE’ if it is not true. True or False?
Hey guys welcome back to my blog to day I am telling you guys if there questions are right or wrong/true or false. Here is my work!!
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